How to avoid geting infected by ticks
Ticks live in vegetation, so going to the country, especially when we lay down on the grass or sit on the ground, favors the contagion.
We must be cautious in adopting the most appropriate prevention measures not to be infected by a tick.
Among the most preventive measures to avoid ticks, we can point out the the following:
What to do while you are outdoors?

- Inspect the ground well to check for ticks :This can be done by placing a white handkerchief in the grass and looking carefully if there is a small tick stuck in the same. If in doubt, leave the place. (Real Ticks are about 3 mm and can be distinguished with the naked eye, other ticks are smaller and harder to see.)
- Use boots or closed shoes instead of sandals.
- Place the end of your trousers leg into your boots.
- Use long-sleeved shirt.
- Use a hat, a cap or cover your hair if you have to remain under the trees so that those that may be on them do not fall on your hair.
- Avoid sitting in the grass or soil. If necessary place a tablecloth or blanket to sit on it.
- Inspect your clothes before going home.
What to do when you get home?

- Wash your clothes well with detergent after coming back from the country.
- Inspect your body well (This is especially necessary for children). Ticks often attach at your crotches and the beginning of your scalp, but they can be anywhere in your body.
- Pets (dogs, cats or other animals) can carry ticks. To care for the health of these animals and to avoid they can infest you, you should check your pet’s fur and apply the appropriate dogs anti-ticks treatment. A visit to the vet is very important either to conduct an inspection or to propose the appropriate treatment to avoid or treat animal ticks.
What to do if you see that a tick is hooked on your skin or has bitten you?
In this case, you should do the following
More information about ticks and other intestinal worms and its natural treatment.