Benefits of medicinal plants

Phytotherapeutic herbs

Phytotherapy to improve your health


Earaches are unpleasant sensations that occur in one or both ears. More information.

Remedies for earache


Earwax is produced in the part of the ear that goes from the the external part of the ear to the ear drum (ear canal). Earwax is necessary, however, excessive accumulations of earwax (wax earplugs) can produce hearing loss or other unpleasant symptoms such as buzzing, ringing, etc. More information.

Remedies for earwax


Eczema is a non-contagious condition of the skin characterized by pustules, crusts, etc. Under this condition the skin generally appears dry and red, but there are cases where eczema occurs in the presence of liquids. Usually, it erupts at the elbow, behind the knees, hands or feet. More information.

Remedies for eczema

Treatment of eczema

Eczema diet


An embolism is a vascular accident caused by one or more emboli. An embolus is a blood clot that breaks loose from the wall of a blood vessel and travels with the blood to another place. It may be stuck somewhere inside a blood vessel, causing a blood blockage that can have serious consequences. More information.

Remedies for embolism

Embolism diet


Endometriosis is a disorder characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue (tissue that lines the inside of the uterus) in areas outside of the lining of the uterus (endometrium). More information.

Remedies for endometriosis

Vitamins and minerals for endometriosis

Diet for endometriosis

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This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 July, 2023

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.