How to obtain carbohydrates in a Mediterranean diet

Sources of nutrients in the Mediterranean diet


Sources of carbohydrates in the Mediterranean diet

breadBread is a traditional Mediterranean food, plenty of carbohydrates

The sources of complex carbohydrates in the Mediterranean diet are represented by cereals (especially wheat bread and rice), tubers and legumes.

  • Carbohydrates provide more than half of the calories in the Mediterranean diet, and they are present in all meals.

Carbohydrates are an energetic nutrient low in fat and with a moderate intake of vegetable proteins (8-15% from cereals). Their presence is essential, as easily digestible nutritious food.

Their digestion produces no waste, so they are healthy for people with uric acid, gout, kidney problems or liver disease.

Carbohydrates provide satiety and fullness, so they help not to eat between meals.

Main carbohydrates in the Mediterranean diet

Food groups of Mediterranean dietFood groups of Mediterranean diet

  • Cereals: Rice, wheat, millet, spelt, rye, sorghum, oats, buckwheat, couscous, bulgur.
  • Bread and pastries: – Rye bread, wheat bread – Pasta food
  • Tubers: Potato, sweet potato, beet, Jerusalem artichoke

Sugars in the Mediterranean diet primarily come from fruits such as apples, oranges, pears, pomegranates or grapes. Natural sugars from fruits provide vitamins energy and quick to absorb calories.

They are indispensable in an athlete’s diet for children and young people, and in general, in all stages of life.

Sources of fiber in the Mediterranean diet

Vegetables are the main source of dietary fiber. The Mediterranean diet there is a big variety of vegetables.

* Related information:

Sources of proteins in a Mediterranean diet

Sources of fat in a Mediterranean diet

Antioxidants in the Mediterranean diet

*Related information: List of food in the Mediterranean diet

punto rojoMore information on the Mediterranean diet.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 September, 2021

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