Depurative salad

Rocket recipes


Ingredients of a depurative salad

How to prepare a depurative salad

Arugula saladIn the image: arugula salad, with arugula leaves, alfalfa sprouts and radishes, seasoned with mustard, vinegar of Modena and virgin olive oil

  • Place the arugula leaves on the plate.
  • Cut the radishes into rounds and arrange in a decorative dish.
  • Place in the center of the plate some alfalfa sprouts.
  • Pour the mustard seeds on the salad.
  • Season to taste with oil, vinegar and mustard.
  • Serve as an appetizer

Properties of a depurative salad

This salad is especially hot because of some sulphurous compounds called glucosinolates. These substances are characteristic in all cruciferous vegetables such as arugula, mustard, cress and radishes. Scientific studies show that they possess antioxidant and anticancer properties.

The spicy flavor in traditional Chinese medicine, has rubefacient properties, provides heat to the body and protects the liver. Suitable for people with cholesterol.

Alfalfa sprouts provide living energy to the body. Macrobiotic cuisine includes these fermented foods on its menus daily.

Alfalfa contains good levels of vitamins and very important nutrients, such as essential fatty acids.

This salad is therefore ideal for winter and spring, because it heats and purifies the body.

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This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

10 August, 2024

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