Application and dosage of celandine

How should celandine be applied?

What is the recommended dose of celandine?

Caution: choose fresh and clean plants, which have not been contaminated by animals or chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc..). The whole plant is collected during flowering. We do not recommend the use of its roots.

celandineThe dried plant loses its properties at 6 months, so this plant remedies are prepared from the fresh plant.


  • Latex for warts: Apply the juice of the plant on the wart, 12 times a day for nine days. Some authors point to three daily applications.
  • Warts creams : Decoction of crushed leaves in glycerin (1 cup water, 1 cup of crushed leaves, and 1 or 2 cups of glycerin). Apply up to 2 times a day for 9 days.
  • Corns and calluses cream: crush the 510g. celandine flower until a yellowish paste. Apply corns or calluses. Is recommended after a hot footbath (foot bath with hot water).
  • Ocular compresses: 20g decoction. of 1ml of fresh plant in water. Let stand for 10 minutes and filter. Chill. Soak a clean gauze or cotton on water, and apply to the eyes as a compress. To treat conjunctivitis and ocular affectations. Up to 3 times a day for 9 days.
  • Footbath celandine: foot bath prepared with celandine. It is used to dilate the veins of the feet and promote blood flow, helping to cause the period. Apply a foot bath with 20g of fresh plant.


  • Gargling: 20g decoction. of fresh plant per liter of water, let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Do not take internally. As local analgesic, sedative and antiseptic.
  • Fluid extract: 1015 drops of celandine extract up to 2 times a day, away from meals.
  • Infusion: 515g. of fresh plant per liter of boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 13 cups a day, away from meals. As an analgesic, sedative and antispasmodic. For rheumatism, gout, diuretic, liver affectations, jaundice, intestinal spasms, and coughing.
  • Sedative wine for patients: macerate 15g. of fresh plant in a liter of water or white wine for 10 days. Filter plant residues. Take 1 to 2 little cups cups per day. It is a narcotic to help relieve pain or to sleep better
  • Powder of dried plant: 2 3 g per day for 9 days.
  • Dry extract capsules: 200 500mg. daily for 15 days.
  • Tincture: 24g. daily for 9 days.

Formerly, celandine root was cut and placed on the forehead of the patient. It was believed that if he/she was going to die, it made the patient cry. But if he/she was going to heal, it made him/her sing. However, because of its high content in alkaloid narcotics and sedatives, one should not use the root of celandine.

What is important to know about celandine?

Dioscorides mentioned celandine as a remedy for the eyes when applied topically. He relates that swallows squeeze the juice of the plant in the eyes of their young to destroy the membrane that prevents ocular vision in their first moments of life.

Taking this as a reference, greater celandine was once used by people to treat cataracts, although this use was fortunately abandoned a long time ago.


In ancient times, as it has been stated in some manuals, celandine was used to treat liver diseases such as jaundice. Parceloso was the first to use this plant for such purposes, due to the similarity between its yellow juice with bile.

However, current studies contradict these therapies and warn us about the celandine hepatotoxic alkaloids in long home internal treatments. Celandine has caused acute hepatitis to people who have made long treatments this plant.

– For these reasons, it is recommended not to use this plant if you have liver problems.

– See other plants for the liver.

punto rojo More information on greater celandine

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 April, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.