Health benefits of meadow clary (Salvia pratensis L.)
Meadow sage medicinal plant

In general it has the same vulnerary properties than Salvia verbenaca.
- Bactericidal: (Against any kind the breathing diseases: sore throat, influenza, etc.) Boil a spoonful of dry leaves and flowers per cup. Two cups each day. Gargles with the same boiling.
- Cicatrizant and bactericidal: (ulcers and wounds) To heal the ulcers and wounds, supporting the cicatrization and preventing wounds to become infected. Compresses with the maceration of dry leaves in white wine or the green plant applied directly on the wound.
More particular uses of the present plant are the following:
- Stomachic: For those who usually have a heavy feeling in their stomachs, stomachache, gastritis, hiatal hernia, it is a good remedy to have a couple of glasses every day, containing the maceration of dry leaves in red wine.
- Hair lotion: by adding a little juice of the green plant to the hair while cleaning it, besides fortifying it, it will give it a shining dark appearance
- Anti-asthmatical: In some places of the Hispano- American community it is said that cigarettes are produces from the leaves of this plant to soothe asthma.
***Other sages: Salvia officinalis / Salvia verbenaca
More information about medicinal plants.
This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.