How to cook quinoa

How to cook quinoa?


– Rinse your quinoa before cooking it with water to remove the “dust” from it (saponins).

– Repeat the operation two or three times. Maybe some saponins will still remain in the grain. We can notice it if a foam is formed in the cooking water, which occurs most often.


– Toast the quinoa in a pan for five minutes before boiling.

– The proportion of quinoa and water is: ½ (1 cup clean and drained quinoa per 2 cups water).

– Cook the quinoa over medium heat for about 15 minutes, use a covered pot.


The light texture of the quinoa is great for salads and stews or accompanying soups, pilafs or fried, as an ingredient in veggie burgers or even to develop a vegetable drum (mount a plate on a round pan).

Properties of cooked quinoa

In line with what was stated in its medicinal properties and its composition (see listing below), we should highlight the following nutritious aspects of quinoa:

– Combined with soy, it provides protein of high biological value because it compensates for the amino acid methionine, limiting in legumes.

– The same happens when we combine it with a cereal, quinoa contains lysine which is deficient in cereals.

– For its nice and crunchy texture, it goes well in salads, and rice. It is an alternative for those who can not eat cereals with gluten or those who are “tired” of rice.

– Its calorie content is similar to that of cereals, although quinoa contains more protein, fewer carbohydrates and more fiber, so it can provide greater satiety and help fight obesity, according to some studies.

Quinoa can be taken in any diet: healthy diets, highly recommended for celiac diets and vegetarian diets.

punto rojo More information on quinoa and practical recipes.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 July, 2024

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