Magazine No. 36 of Botanical-online

Plants journal

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Medicinal plants

Pine tree properties

In inflammations of the urinary bladder the use of this plant will help reduce inflammation and eliminate the bacteria causing it. (Decoction for a couple of minutes of 4 tablespoons of pine cone buds...

Oak toxicicity

Oak is not a toxic plant. However, it is rich in tannins and phenolic acids (20%), which are contraindicated in some cases...

More medicinal plants

Natural medicine

Remedies for dry eyes

Artichoke decoction helps to strengthen the eyes and can serve as natural drops in cases of dry eye...

Dry eyes prevention

When you work at a computer screen, try to rest from time to time, making visual focusing exercises near-far. The screen should never be placed in a higher position that your eyes and...

Wrist pain remedies

Ginger is one of the best anti-inflammatory and analgesic vegetables. The ingestion of this food reduces inflammation and relieves pain due to inflammation...

Natural food


A whole piece brings a lot of vitamin C (20 mg. Per 100 g.), which is an antioxidant and improves the health of the body in general.

More food properties

Vegetarian recipes

Potatoes salad

Potato consumption as a main course is highly recommended for people with arthritis and chronic fatigue due to its richness in minerals.

More healthy recipes


Yucca cultivation

Coming from very dry locations, yuccas can adapt indoor admosphere very well. However is is very convenient to provide them a weekly shower in order to refresh them and clean their leaves

Contest: Flower of the month

Do you know which flower is it?

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