Mediterranean sea holly cultivation (Eryngium bourgatii)

How to grow Mediterranean sea holly  (Eryngium bourgatii)



June – August. Very attractive metallic blued inflorescences with long bracts.


Scarcely. They use to rot when the floor is soaked.

gardening pot

For dry gardens, as a dry flower for decoration.




From seeds in spring, or cuttings in winter.


Sandy,light soil well drained, similar to the one it grows in the dry Mediterranean rocky mountain spots, between 1.100 and 2.200 m above sea level.

Other species of “Eryngium

Eryngium agavifolium———————…………….

Eryngium alpinum———————………………

Eryngium amethystimum————–……..

Eryngium aquaticum —————–

Eryngium campestre ———– ——– Field eryngo

Eryngium caucasicum——————-………….

Eryngium creticum———————–.…………

Eryngium giganteum ————–……..Miss wilmott’s ghost.

Eryngium graecum —————……………..

Eryngium maritimum ——————-Sea-holly

Eryngium pandanifolium—————–………….

Eryngium proteiflorum ——————-………….

Eryngium planum ———————–………..

Eryngium ternatum ————–…………..

Eryngium variiflorum —————……………..

Eryngium viride ——————-……………

Eryngium yuccifolium—————–………….

punto rojo More information about plant cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

25 March, 2021

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