Vegetable salad properties

How to prepare a vegetable salad


Vegetable salad

Photography of vegetable salad with green beans, potatoes, beets and carrots. Seasoned with gomasio.


– Green beans

– Carrot

– 1 medium potato per person

– Onion (optional)

– Beet (optional)

Olive oil for dressing

Table salt


– Wash and peel the potatoes and carrots.

– Wash and trim the ends of the green beans.

– Cut all ingredients into small cubes of similar size.

– Put water to boil with salt. Adding salt in boiling water makes the vegetables retain their flavor better, since it has to do with the balance of minerals within the cooking water and the water inside of the vegetable.

– Pull the vegetables and cook for 9 minutes.

– Season with olive oil.

– This dish is usually served cold and flavored with gomasio (nuts and shredded seaweed), mayonnaise, aioli or tofunese (tofu mayonnaise).

Properties of a vegetable salad

Boiled vegetables is a dish low in fat and rich in fiber, which may be present in any balanced diet. Because it has been cooked at boiling temperature, it retains the essential vitamins and minerals from vegetables (temperature when frying food destroys some nutrients).

Vegetables help the health of our digestive system: potato starch has demulcent effect, which protects sensitive stomachs or those with gastritis.

Green beans are rich in carotenes, potassium and fiber, which is an antioxidant, a diuretic and to help reduce blood cholesterol levels. If you add a carrot, its carotenoids are healthy for your skin and can achieve a more attractive color dish.

People with diabetes and obesity should try replacing potato by carrot or other vegetables like turnip. For example, carrot gives us half the carbohydrates of potato, and besides they are absorbed more slowly because it contains fiber. Potatoes have a high glycemic index, so they should be taken in moderation if diabetes. Beets should be avoided in diabetics because they contain sugar.

punto rojoMore information on plants.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

12 May, 2021

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