Pepper benefits
Pepper, a digestive spice
Pepper is one of the most common spices in the table of all households, and certainly well known to most readers.
However, because of its daily use, it goes unnoticed by most of the guests. The truth is that the traditional use of this spice is only a small remnant of what once meant. For many civilizations and types of medicine, pepper was considered a special exception, excellent for dishes

because of its taste and digestive properties.
Ground pepper or grain pepper increases stomach acid secretions, so this pungent spice is used as appetizer and digestive. It is indicated for people with poor appetite. This spice also helps the gastric emptying and therefore can be recommended for healthy people with slow digestion.
For the same reason, this spicy spice should not be taken in excess in cases of gastritis, gastric ulcers, dyspepsia or heartburn; since the increase of acid secretion can worsen your symptoms.
What are the benefits of consuming pepper?
Cooking with pepper enhances the flavor of food and makes many nutrients better assimilate, which constitutes the perfect union between gastronomy and health.
In addition, pepper has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, aperitif, digestive, antiseptic, expectorant and cholesterol-lowering properties. Its incredible virtues may be why pepper is ubiquitous in every home, bar and restaurant.
Pepper oil
Although many readers are already familiar with the pungent smell of this fruit, the truth is that few plants have a fragrance as intense and spicy as pepper.
The applications of pepper are very valuable. Its essential oil is a natural relaxant. Its fragrance tones the mind and strengthens the heart.
Although it can be applied in small doses as a bactericide, black pepper oil is irritating to the skin.
Dosage of pepper
- Ground pepper: between 0.3 and 1.5 g. each dose. Maximum 5g. daily.
- Mother tincture: 25 drops 3 times a day.
How to cook pepper?
This question may surprise you by now, but it is interesting to know that pepper loses 80% of its principles (piperine) after 20 minutes of cooking.
Why does pepper increase the absorption of turmeric?
The power of pepper to increase assimilation is due to the fact that its active principle, piperine, enhances absorption and prevents the degradation of many plant principles (phytochemicals). It thus prolongs the beneficial effects that these have. This allows to increase even more, if possible, the beneficial properties of healthy foods.
* Related information: Pepper medicinal properties / Benefits of pepper
More information on black pepper and other types of peppers.