What is wayfarer?
Characteristics of wayfarer (Viburnum lantana)
Scientific name: Viburnum lantana
Common name: Wayfaring tree, wayfarer
Habitat: In forests and hedges.
Description of wayfarer

Deciduous shrub of the Caprifoliaceae family, up to 6 m high.
Opposite, oval leaves with a rough, pubescent upper side and a tomentose underside.
Flowers grouped in flat, yellowish-white umbels.
Reddish fruits that turn black, up to 1 cm in diameter.
Wayfarer is distinguished from laurustinus (Viburnum tinus) mainly by its broader leaves with serrated edges and by its fruit, which is more ovoid and has a darker black colour when ripe. It flowers later (May to June).
Active principles of wayfarer
- Viburbine
- Tannins
- Sucrose
- Valeric acid
Active parts: Fruits, leaves
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