Rations of meat for children, boys and girls
Servings of meat
Meat, fish and eggs, should be part of the main meals. Their daily consumption should be alternated.
One serving of meat is 100-125 grams. In household measures, it is a small steak, a quarter of chicken or a fourth of rabbit.
Meat rations for boys or girls
– For boys and girls under 6 years, 50 g per serving
– For boys and girls between 6 and 8 years, 60 g per serving
– For boys and girls between 8 and 11 years, 80 g per serving
– For children aged 12 or older, 100 g per serving
How many servings of meat to eat?
We should take 3 to 4 times a week different types of “white meat”, That’s to say lean meats or poultry.
The consumption of meat products such as sausages or viscera should be casual, that’s to say, every now and then.
* Related information: What should our children eat instead of sausages and Frankfurts?
More information about nutrition.