Natural infusions for constipation

Natural teas for constipation


Laxative infusions: Solution against constipation?

Constipation or difficulty defecating, can be treated with adequate food in most occasions.

For natural treatment of constipation, it is important to distinguish whether it is a specific situation (occasional constipation), or whether it is a common intestinal problem (chronic constipation).

Chronic constipation is a health situation that is necessary to consult with a doctor.

Are laxative or purgative infusions for constipation recommended?

There is a type of laxative infusions, called purgative infusions, which have a strong effect.

InfusionInfusion for constipation

They are a solution to constipation in specific cases (occasional constipation). But as explained below, they are not recommended in case of chronic constipation, as they may even be harmful and worsen the disease.

Paradoxically, these infusions are recommended in stores or by “word of mouth” as a natural treatment for constipation. As explained below, some infusions are an inadequate remedy against certain types of constipation, or should be used with caution:

Many preparations of laxative teas that can be found in supermarkets contain these plants, so it is recommended to read the composition of the infusions on labels.

Be careful with the above plants generally recommended to treat constipation !!!

All of the above plants are stimulant laxatives or purgatives. That is, they stimulate the muscles responsible for intestinal motility, producing contractions and evacuation. Its effect is strong, and are only recommended for occasional constipation (produced by changes in diet, diet, tours,…).

In contrast, chronic constipation is a health state to be consulted with a doctor.

The greatest danger that exists with these herbal teas for constipation is that, used frequently, the bowels may lose tone and cause intestinal dependency, that is to say, the intestine gets used to these herbs to evacuate.

* Related Information: Are laxative teas dangerous?

Is coffee laxative?

Some people experience strong laxative effect with coffee consumption. These people are advised to avoid coffee, because decomposition affects the bacterial flora and does not help normalize the intestinal rhythm.

This symptom occurs most often in people with irritable bowel syndrome, who often have food intolerance when coffee consumption, caused by strong digestive reactions. In this case, it is recommended not to consume any coffee and other infusions such as tea, mint, rooibos, etc.

punto rojoMore information on laxatives and constipation.

This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

29 August, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.