Get rid of cough with natural remedies
Suitable tips to get rid of cough
Besides using the right plants to the natural treatment of cough (see list below), we can consider the following tips can help reduce coughing:
Avoid foods that can increase mucus production: During the deep bouts of coughing, we should avoid foods that may increase the amount of phlegms, including the most important one which happens to be milk. It is helpful to drink lots of water and avoid very dry environments to facilitate expectoration. Fruit juices with honey are very useful.
- Take herbal teas honey sweetened and warm: When taking herbal teas we should have in mind to drink them warm and sweetened with honey. Honey soothes throat and reduces the urge to cough. It’s very good, before drinking, breathing the vapors of infusion, always bearing in mind not to burn.
- Avoid extreme dryness: Many times cough is caused by extreme dryness in the environment. The use of vaporizers increases humidity of the place and helps reduce coughing. In case of not disposing of vaporizers, we can use water dishes that should be placed next to the radiators. Heat will facilitate the evaporation of water and will increase humidity.
- Treat gastric reflux: Sometimes cough responds to the burning nocturnal gastric juices that accede the throat (Gastric reflux). This happens to people with tendency to have heartburn that usually occurs during the night because the stomach acid reaches the esophagus being regurgitated from the stomach. In this case should use appropriate remedies for heartburn.
Dry cough remedies
Some additional home remedies that prevent coughing
- Take cough syrups, especially before bedtime. You can take an out-of-the counter cough syrup or you can make your homemade natural syrup (See natural cough syrup recipe)
- Marinate onions in sugar overnight. Drink the liquid throughout the day teaspoons.
- Eat plums in abundance.
- Drinking chicken soup relieves the urge to cough.
Some quick remedies to stop coughing
- Drink in small sips a cup of tea where 10 or 12 drops of vinegar apple have been dissolved.
- Lick a sugarless candy may relieve cough.
- Drink hot milk with a spoonful of honey.
- Lick a stick of licorice.
What if the cough is accompanied by expectoration?
If cough occurs as a need to expel secretions (sputum) it should not be cut since removal of phlegm by coughing is a resource that our body uses to get rid of phlegms.
Do not swallow the sputum because they contain harmful substances.
More information about cough natural treatment.