Restharrow as an effective diuretic
The diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of this plant, due to its richness in flavonoids, provide very interesting purification properties for the treatment of the following anomalies:
Remedies with restharrow in internal use
- Liquid retention: This plant’s ability to boost urine can help remove fluid retained in the body, which helps to improve the symptoms of diseases such as dropsy, abdominal dropsy, arthritis or gout. (Make an infusion with a teaspoon of dried root (34 gr) per cup of water. Take two or three cups a day)* Caution: Treatment for fluid retention should not be performed when it is due to heart or kidney failure.
- Dermatitis: The purifying capacity of Ononis spinosa is used to treat cases of dermatitis caused by toxins that appear on the skin. (Make an infusion with a teaspoon of dried root (34 gr) per cup of water. Take two or three cups a day)
- Jaundice: The previous treatment helps to improve the symptoms of jaundice because it cleanses the body of the toxins that cause it.
- Itchy skin: Itchy skin usually responds to the accumulation of toxins in the body. Treatments with depurative plants, such as restharrow, help eliminate the toxins that cause this itch. (Make an infusion with a teaspoon of dried root (34 gr) per cup of water. Take two or three cups a day)
- Mild urinary diseases: These same properties can be used in the treatment of mild diseases of the urinary system such as urethritis, nephritis, cystitis, prevention of kidney stones. (Apply the previous treatment.
* Caution: Do not apply if it has been confirmed that there are stones in the kidneys or in the gallbladder (This treatment is only indicated to expel the grit from the kidneys) In case of stones in the gallbladder, the use of this plant may favor the obstruction of the bile ducts.
* Do not administer in serious infections or with symptoms like dizziness, blood in the urine, pain when urinating, etc (consult with the doctor previously)
Preparations with Ononis root for external use
- Sore throat: The infusion of restharrow root serves as a deflator of tonsillitis (Perform gargles with the fluid resulting from an infusion of one tablespoon of dried plant per cup of water.
Toxicity of restharrow
At appropriate doses, no cases of toxicity have been documented
There are references of toxicity in animals. Specifically, cases of death by ingestion of the fruiting plant in nomadic lambs from western Sahara have been reported in this and other Ononis species.
Curiously, these plants do not affect sheep flocks that do not practice nomadic feeding, which become accustomed to this plant, so it does not produce toxic reactions.
Contraindications of restharrow
- Pregnancy and lactation: There are insufficient studies to guarantee their safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it is advisable NOT to take this plant during these periods. On the other hand, restharrow is especially contraindicated during pregnancy because of its content in isoflavones.
- Children: It has not been studied its effects on children, reason why it is advised NOT to use in children under 12 years.
- Cardiac problems, hypertension or severe kidney disease: The use of this plant increases the production of fluids, so it should NOT be used in case of heart problems (heart failure or other heart disease), severe kidney disease (kidney failure, bile duct obstruction ) or hypertension (In the latter case, it can only used under prescription and medical control. This plant can decompensate the tensional values, so it requires medical followup)
- Administration of diuretics: If a patient takes diuretics, preparations of this plant should NOT be taken, because it can greatly enhance the effects of diuretics.
- People allergic to restharrow: The use of this plant can cause adverse reactions in people sensitive to its components. If you notice any negative effects, you should stop treatment.
More information on other plants.