Exercises to strengthen the perineal muscles (Kegel exercises)
Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles (muscles that are between the anus and vagina in women and between the anus and scrotum in men) is a way to prevent or manage incontinence.
This will be done by performing a series of exercises, called Kegel exercises which are particularly interesting to strengthen the muscles above after pregnancy or in men after prostate surgery
What do Kegel exercises consist on?
In essence, it consists in learning to recognize the muscles of the pelvis and strengthen them by means of repetitive and controlled contractions. Information from the therapist is necessary to perform these exercises properly. These exercises, usually done for a month or month and a half, help to improve the problem in 70% of cases. In general the method to follow is:
- Empty the urinary bladder completely.
- Tighten the pelvic floor muscles (as if we would stop urination and defecation).
- Count to 10. Relax the muscles and retell 10. Perform this process for 10 times.
- Repeat process 3 times each day.
- Other ways to strengthen the muscles: There are a number of therapy sessions lasting 20 minutes, based on electrodes that are inserted into the vagina in women and anus in men and sending a current that stimulates the muscles of pelvic floor. Another type of more modern and more “comfortable” therapy consists of a chair that provides current to the muscles while the patient sits on it.
Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Among them, we can point out:
- Use of cones: A series of cones of different weights (on sale in pharmacies) which are inserted into the vagina and must be kept there for a quarter of an hour squeezing the muscles. This type of exercise is performed three times each day and cones placed are progressively bigger.
- Performing gentle exercises regularly: light physical activity can help relieve stress and improve the problem. Particularly interesting are the exercises from “Belly dance.”
This dance, which was invented to facilitate the expulsion of the fetus in pregnant women, does not only provide a great control of the body and mind but, given the type of moves that are enhanced in it, it also develops the muscles of the pelvis and vagina, thereby achieving a better control of vaginal and urinal muscles.
This dance can help menopausal women to address urinary incontinence and improve their sexual relationships. It is an alternative to the Kegel exercises.
Exercises to train the urinary bladder
It consists of trying to prolong the time of evacuation progressively, so that, after a period of time, one is able to alleviate the problem when being able not to go to the toilet so frequently.
More information on incontinence.