Plant-based diet for gallbladder

Diet for gallbladder inflammation

Suitable and unsuitable food for gallbladder inflammation

Since most of gallbladder inflammation cases are due to gallstones, we have to take the suitable diet to prevent gallstones recurrence.

The following dietary recommendations could be very helpful:

  • Monitor food: Is very important to control our diet to prevent gallstones formation. we should avoid eating plenty of saturated animal fats and foods that contain cholesterol. It is better to adopt a vegetarian way of life plenty of natural foods, rich in fiber and carbohydrates.
  • Do not eat high oxalate foods: Not all vegetable foods are suitable for a gallbladder inflammation diet. People suffering from a tendency to develop calciumoxalate gallstones should avoid eating high oxalate food. For example, foods with with a high contain of this component are:rhubarb, strawberries, Black tea, beets, spinach,, wheat bran, walnuts, and chocolate.

Other foods containing it are: cauliflower, chard, coffee, figs, plums, parsley, peanuts and tomatoes. (More information about oxalate content of foods)

  • Do not eat too much animal protein. We should not consume too much animal meat or eggs. This type of food precipitates calcium in the urine and promotes the occurrence of calculi. Besides, animal protein is very rich in uric acid, which causes sedimentation. Fish seems to be quite useful to prevent gallstones.
  • Lowfat diets, instead of fatfree diets: In spite of this, fat is necessary for the regular contraction of gallbladder. So, instead of dispensing with fat, it is better to undertake a lowfat diet. Fatfree diets are not recommended.


    Vegetables contain little fat and, in general,except those rich in oxalates, are suitable for the gallbladder.

  • Increase intake of good containing magnesium, folate, calcium, and vitamin C: there are studies that have proved that a deficiency of these nutrients can be increase the risk of suffering from gallstones. The following table shows a list of foods that contain these vitamins and minerals.
  • Drink plenty of water: Water is the medium in which all the toxins and minerals are dissolved It is expelled through the pores of the skin and urine.

An abundant and regular urination prevents sedimentation of the crystals of certain minerals that, when grouped, form stones in the kidney and the gallbladder. We should drink between 2 and 5 liters per day, especially when it is hot or when exercise physical has been carried out, and in other circumstances such as excessive sweating or diarrhea.

  • Do not skip meals: Eating regularly helps the bladder empty properly.

Other dietary advice for the gallbladder

  • Control obesity: Being obesity one of the triggers for this problem, a weight control would be very appropriate. It is recommended to adopt a balanced diet and practice some physical exercise.
  • Avoid rapid weight loss: This increases the risk of gallstones. Diets containing 800 calories or less tend to increase the possibility of suffering gallstones.

punto rojoMore information about natural treatment of gallbladder inflammation.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 April, 2019

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