Herbal remedies for gallstones
Phytotherapy: Medicinal plants preparations for gallbladder stones
The primary role of phytotherapy in the problem of gallstones is to use plants with the following properties:
- Antispasmodic and sedative plants, useful to reduce pain caused by biliary colic.
- Diuretic plants, able to increase the volume of body fluid, which can prevent the formation of stones or dissolve them
- Bactericide plants to prevent infections.
Internal use decoctions and infusions for gallbladder stones

- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Very valuable to get rid off excessive water retention – dropsy, kidney stones, obesity – and to eliminate toxins from the blood (Infusion of dried leaves. Take 3 cups a day. The same infusion can also be done with a mixture of leaves and roots.)
- Parsley (Petroselinum crispum): It is one of the best diuretics so it can be very useful to prevent stones from forming, since it allows the removal of the sand through the urine before it can sediment and compact in the form of a calculus. (Decoction of a teaspoon of dried root. Let it settle for 1 / 4 hours and take a couple of cups a day) (Squeeze the tender plants and take a couple of tablespoons a day. The juice is also sold in pharmacies and herbalists)
- Boldo (Peumus boldus) Boldo is a plant that fluidises and purifies bile. Boldo treatments are able to change the chemical composition of bile and prevent the formation of gallstones or stones in the gallbladder. (Take from 1.5 – 2.5g dry leaves in 200ml, three times a day Caution: Treatments longer than 4 weeks are contraindicated)
- Nettle (Urtica dioica) Another plant well suited to increase urine output so that, like parsley, may help prevent formation of stones or facilitate their removal when they are small.

- Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) It helps to ensure that stones are not formed in the gallbladder (1 ml of tincture 3 times daily)
- Bearberry /kinnikinnick ( Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) It is quite effective in the treatment of the gallstones, not for its power to dissolve the calculus (Lithiasis), what it doesn’t really do, but in its germicide value that impede the infections that many times are associated with this type of ailments. (Maceration in cold water of four spoonfuls of dry leaves by liter of water during 4 hours. Drink 3 glasses a day. – Avoid to macerate the leaves in hot water, not to liberate too many tannins.) (20 drops of fluid extract, twice a day) (Powder several leaves and take 2 tea spoonfuls a day. It can be mixed with honey to make it more pleasant)
- Corn (Zea mays) The decoction of two tablespoons of corn beards per cup water for 20 minutes is also useful as a stimulant for urinary tract.(Decoction of 50 g per liter of beards of corn for 20 minutes. 4 cups per day)
- Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) The use of this plant may help prevent the formation of kidney stones or gallstones. However, it is used as a preventive rather than curative because it should not be used when the bladder or the kidneys are inflamed because it could increase inflammation. (Eat the fresh plant in salads)

- Psyllium:Psyllium or ispaghula eliminates cholesterol, so it prevents gallbladder stones formation.
- Pine (Pinus sylvestris) The diuretic capacity of this plant can be very suitable for the treatment of stones in the gallbladder. (Decoction for 10 minutes of 5 tablespoons of dried leaves per liter of water. Allow to cool and drink 3 cups a day
- Celandine (Chelidonium majus) Especially suitable for biliary problems, such as calculi or insufficiency (Preparations from this plant on sale in pharmacies or herbalists. Take them according to patient information leaflet)
- Mint (Mentha ssp.) Any variety of mint possesses soothing properties, very useful for reducing pain caused by an acute colic.
- Tarragon: (Artemisia dracunculus) Indicated for the preventive treatment of gallstones. (Use as a condiment or infusion; 5g. Dried leaves in 250ml. Than water).
- Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Like mint, its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties are used either for the urinary tract or for the respiratory system (A couple of teaspoons a day of dried root powder mixed in honey or jelly to make it enjoyable)

Herbal remedies for gallstones. External use
- Horseradish: Applying a lotion on the painful area with the juice of white radish. This remedy can be counterproductive in certain people sensitive to this plant, so it is better to test it for a short time. Never keep on the body for more than 20 minutes.
- Clover (Trifolium pratense): this herb is used to make an ointment to calm the pain. (Make a decoction of tender flowers over a low heat until water evaporates to form a thick paste. Mix it with beeswax and store in a tightly closed glass jar)
- Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) It is a good soothing and relaxing remedy. Infusions of dried floriferous summits can relieve pain. Similarly, if we add a handful of dry plant in the bath, it will relax and relieve us.
More information about gallstones remedies