Rose cultivation




How to take care of the roses?

ROSA It is a plant which generally requires to be exposed to the sun.
ROSA It is grown in warm climates from 15 to 25 º C.
ROSA It has to be watered regularly, specially in summer.
ROSA It has to be pruned once a year (January or February)
ROSA It requires a well prepared soil which keeps humidity.
ROSA It should be manured once a year, specially in Spring.

Main diseases


ROSA Rust: Yellow spots at the end of Summer or at the the beginning of Autumn.
ROSA Oídium: Flowers and leaves covered with a white layer.
ROSA Blackspot: Black spots on the leaves which make them fall.


ROSA Greenfly: Plant lice lying on the leaves, shoots and buds.
how to deal with these diseases? Cut the affected parts and apply pesticide (Consult the florist’s for the suitable pesticide)

Main varieties of roses

ROSA To cut: Rosa Bacara. It derives from Tea rose , flowering all throughout the year. It is the most common species to be found in a greenhouse. The usual rose to be given as a gift to show affection.
ROSA Smelling roses: Rosa Alfred de Dalmas. In full bloom from the end of Spring till the beginning of Autumn, producing big pink roses.
ROSA Rosebushes:. Rosa Sarabanda. Flowers without interruption from Spring till the end of Autumn. Rosa Albertine, a pink rose.
ROSA Flowerpot roses: Dwarf species,such as Coralin, red, Golden wings, not very fragrant, with big yellow petals and reddish stamens. Fountain, big red flowers and very.

* Related information: Roses: characteristics and types of flowers

punto rojo More information about plants.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 May, 2021

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