Hemp medicinal properties

Properties of Cannabis sativa


Common noun: Hemp, Marijuana

Scientific noun: Cannabis sativa L.

Family: Hemp family – Cannabaceae

Habitat: Cultivated in almost everywhere but native from Asia.

Description of Cannabis sativa

Dioecious herb of the Hemp family – Cannabaceae – up to 3,5 m. Down leaves opposite, upper ones, alternate; palmately-diveded with 3-9 toothed leaflets.Small flowers, greenish. Female ones with two distinctive stigmas; male ones with two stamens. Inflated fruits with black seeds- hemp seeds. Cultivated in almost everywhere but native from Asia.

Detail of the plant



Components of Cannabis sativa

– Cannabinoids: D- 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinol, cannabinodiol, etc.

– Acids: Linoleic, oleic and isolinoleic (seeds)

– Niacin (seeds)

– Orientin (plant)

– Minerals: phosphorus oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide, potasium oxide and sulphur oxide, calcium,iron and phosphorus (seeds)


Internal use of Cannabis sativa

picture– Antiemetic: It protects the stomach and favours it to get rid of vomiting. It has been proved the use of this plant lowers the tendendy to vomit patients of cancer have after being treated to chemioterapy. Antiemetic properties are attributed to the presence of tetrahidrocannabinol, the use of it has been aproved in the United States by the FDA- (This chemical is obtained by synthesis as well as by inhaling the dry plant with the smoking method.)

– Analgesic: Having strong pains, specially those related with malignant tumours, the use of this plant has proved to be a good pain reliever. The same virtue has been tested positively for rheumatic and articular pains.

– Appetite stimulant: In case of utmost lost of appetite- patients with hard anorexia- it has been proved the power of this plant as an appetite stimulant.

– Ocular relaxant: Using it in patients with glaucoma it diminishes ocular pressure.

– Bronquitic: It has been demostrated to be a good bronchial relaxant in asthma, when inhaling the dry herb.

– Ansiolitic: It eliminates anxiety and reduces nervousness. The presence of orientin it its composition may prove influential in this case (Inhale the smoke of the dy plant.

See toxicity Toxicity of Cannabis

See cultivation details.Growing cannabis

More information about cannabis and other plants.

Growing or possessing this plant is punished by law in most countries. The degree of guilt depends on the legislation of every country. By no means ” Botanical ” pretends to encourage the use of this plant. It only exposes scientifical data, leaving to personal decision the responsibility of using it.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 April, 2019

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.