What is the potato virus Y?
The potato virus Y (PVY) virus is a disease of plants of a viral nature.
To which plants does the potato virus Y affect?
It is a virus that infects Solanaceae such as potatoes, peppers and tomatoes or other wild herbs of the same family.
How does the virus Y of the potato manifest itself?

The most characteristic symptoms are:
- The mottling of the leaves.
- Wrinkled leaves
- Spots on the nerves or death of the tissues surrounding the nerves
- Necrosis of leaf petioles
- In more serious cases, the complete drying of the leaf, which usually remains hanging dry from the stem.
- Necrosis of the branches and premature fall of the fruits
How is the potato virus Y transmitted?
The transmission occurs through aphids and by contact with contaminated hands or tools
How is the virus Y of the potato treated?
- It has no treatment.
- There are also no resistant varieties to this type of virus, so it is necessary to adopt an adequate prevention to prevent infection.
- Clean your hands and disinfect your clothes and tools (Introduce them for half an hour in a 3% preparation of trisodium phosphate. You can also use soap and water
- Dip your hands in milk while handling the seedlings for the microorganisms to get stuck in it .
- Eliminate infected plants as soon as possible.
- Clean your hands before handling healthy plants.
More information on plant viruses and other diseases
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.