Caffeine or theine difference

Caffeine content in tea

Are caffeine and theine the same substance?

Yes, caffeine and theine are the same substance. Caffeine was discovered for the first time in the coffee bean, which gave its name caffeine. The same substance was also found in tea leaves and other plants.

To refer to tea caffeine it is often used the term theine.

The same applies to other plants containing caffeine, such as guarana, which are said to contain guaranine, which, in fact, is also caffeine. or mateine of yerba mate.

  • Caffeine and theine are the same substance and are considered synonymous words.
Content of caffeine in some stimulating drinks
BeverageMg. of caffeineper cup of 200ml.
Energetic drink85
Hot chocolate40
Black tea40
Semi-fermented tea30
Red tea25
Green tea20
White tea15

What is caffeine?

Coffee with milk
Coffee with milk

Chemically, caffeine (or theine) is classified as a xanthic base or xanthine. There are other xanthines such as theophylline and theobromine. Plants containing caffeine may also contain doses of these xanthines. These substances stimulate the nervous system.

Plants containing caffeine are coffee, cola, tea, guarana or yerba mate. Cocoa contains theobromine, other xanthine that also has stimulatory effects on the nervous system.

Effects of caffeine on the body

When caffeine is absorbed, it travels through the bloodstream to the brain, where it binds to a type of brain receptors called adenosines.

Adenosine receptors are in charge, when there is adenosine, to dilate blood vessels, depress the nervous system and produce a state of sedation. Caffeine prevents adenosine binds to adenosine receptors, preventing the occurrence of these calming effects.

Blocking the adenosine receptor causes increase levels of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine stimulates mental alertness and wakefulness, promoting better association of ideas and greater resistance to fatigue and stimulating thermogenesis and fat burning.

For this reason, drinking coffee, mate or tea increases brain performance. Other effects of caffeine, for the same reason, are: increasing stomach acid secretion, stimulating fat burning, speeding cardiac frequency, etc..

Contraindications of caffeine

People with dyspepsia, heartburn, peptic ulcer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes, liver or kidney disease should avoid caffeine because of its side effects.

Caffeine in pregnancy and lactation

Scientific studies show that when a pregnant woman drinks caffeine, it can be absorbed by the fetus and appears in breast milk when she is breastfeeding. Because the effects of caffeine are stronger in neonates (caffeine takes 80-100 hours to be removed from the body), women should not consume drinks with caffeine during these stages of their life.

*Related information:

Differences between caffeine in tea and caffeine in coffee

Tea and coffee alternatives

The best tea to sleep

punto rojoMore information on tea

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

10 January, 2022

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