Classes of tea
– Red tea
– Blue tea (Semifermented tea)
Types of tea in the world
– Chinese semifermented Oolong tea
(tiegunyin, Tie-Kuan-Yin,)
– Jasmine tea (blend)
Gunpowder green tea from China
Teas of Formosa
Teas of Japan
– Green tea Kukicha (three years old tea)
– Matcha (powdered green tea)
– Genmaicha tea (blend)
Matcha – Green tea powder
from japan
Teas of India
– Chai tea (blend)
Darjeeling black tea from India
Teas of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Ceylon tea from Sri Lanka
Teas of South Africa
Teas of Great Britain
– Earl Grey tea (Blend)
– English Breakfast tea (Blend)
More information about tea.
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