Benefits of calcium
Calcium for bone health
Calcium and osteoporosis
– Bone health: It has been verified that the ingestion of this complement helps to avoid or to improve osteoporosis. The dose would have to be of about 1200 daily mgs, distributed in two takings.
– Circulation: A suitable calcium ingestion is a way to control certain circulatory diseases like:
– Hypertension. It has been verified that those people who have deficiency of this mineral present hypertension sometimes. Daily calcium administration in doses up to 1000 mgs daily can diminish arterial pressure.
– Apoplexy: The loss of calcium in the menopause facilitates the accumulation of plates of this mineral in the carotid arteries which increases the risk of suffering a heart attack.
Foods rich in calcium are: sesame seeds, cheese, milk, soy milk (enriched) and yoghourts
– Colon cancer: It has been verified that calcium ingestion diminishes the probabilities of developing colon cancer. Apparently this mineral has the property to avoid the aggressions of the bile in the colon. Therefore, in case of having risk of suffering this disease, it is advisable to take calcium supplements in daily doses of about 1500 mgs.
– Cramps: The lack of calcium can be one of the causes of cramps in the legs, especially those that take place in calves at mornings when stretching the legs.
– Healing Properties: The calcium contributes to better healing of wounds.
– Diet of pregnant and nursing women: Pregnant or nursing women require an additional contribution of this mineral.
– Depression: The calcium, along with magnesium, takes part in the production of neurotransmitters; that’s the reason why they are suitable to treat depression.
Daily calcium needs
How much calcium does the organism need?: The necessary daily doses of this mineral range between the 1000 and 1200 mgs.
The calcium is only absorbed if vitamin D takes part, therefore, a lack of this vitamin would also produce a lack of this mineral. In order to avoid this and, especially in certain cases, the ingestion of calcium supplements is recommended with vitamin D. (See complete information on vitamin D)
It is advisable to take calcium in a pair of takings every day to facilitate its absorption.
Toxicity of calcium:
It is not advisable to abuse this mineral because, in amounts over 2500 mgs daily, it can neutralize the absorption of other necessary minerals for the organism, like the iron or zinc.
Furthermore, the exaggerated calcium ingestion can accumulate this mineral in the kidneys, which can lead to kidneystones. Patients with problems in the kidneys or thyroid must consult the doctor before taking calcium supplements.
More information on calcium