Aioli properties



Ingredients for the sauce:


  • allioliIn a mortar, crush the garlic with the salt to form a paste.
  • Add a few drops of oil and mix, always in the same direction.
  • Add oil very slowly, and always grinding in the same direction, to form a thick dough. If you add all the oil at once, you will not emulsify the sauce. Similarly, when the dough is emulsified, stop adding oil.
  • You can add egg yolk at room temperature to emulsify the sauce better.
  • To help thicken, you can also add some bread crumbs.

Properties of alioli

Typical Catalan recipe, meaning “garlic and oil” (garlic mayonnaise), since in the region of Catalonia is prepared only with garlic, oil and salt (no added egg yolk and bread crumbs).

This sauce is used to add to boiled vegetable dishes, grilled meats, or just to spread on some bread.

The extra virgin olive oil permeates aromatic flavor to the sauce, in addition to its health benefits.

Garlic has expectorant properties and it is very good for circulation

* Related information: Mediterranean diet characteristics.

punto rojo More information about Mediterranean diet.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

6 December, 2021

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