Parsley toxicity

Can parsley be toxic?

Is consumption of parsley plant dangerous?

Under normal conditions, the consumption of parsley does not present toxicity, although it is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation and can cause allergic reactions in certain people sensitive to its components

Is parsley essential oil toxic?

Grilled mushrooms
Baked chanterelles with garlic and parsley. Under normal conditions, the consumption of parsley does not present toxicity,

The essential oil, mainly due to its composition  can be toxic.

What toxic components do parsley essential oil contain?

In contains mainly four toxic components:

  • Apiol: in adequate doses, it acts as an emmenagogue, facilitating the menstruation and avoiding the pain associated with it.
    In amounts greater than allowed (more than 10 drops of essence a day) apiol is abortive. In higher doses it produces liver poisoning, circulatory paralysis and death, preceded by diarrhea, vomiting, heart rhythm disturbance … etc. If death does not occur, lesions on the liver and kidneys are important.
  • Myristicin: Another toxic component of the essential oil is myristicin, a narcotic that affects the central nervous system, and can cause seizures.
  • Xantotoxin and bergapten: They  are phototoxic, that is to say, they  react in contact with light, so, especially in very sunny or high mountain environments, they can cause skin lesions.

Given the danger of ingesting the essential oil, it is recommended not to use this product, taking advantage of the rest of the preparations to achieve the beneficial effects of this plant.

Is parsley essential oil suitable for pregnancy and lactation?

Essential oil should not be supplied during pregnancy and lactation!

Do oxalates in parsley contribute to the formation of kidney stones?

Parsley is a plant rich in oxalates. Because of this, we could think that including parsley in our diet can be dangerous or, at least, oxalates  could be a factor to develop kidney stones (See: Parsley oxalates

punto rojo More information on parsley

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

17 November, 2020

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.