Recipe to prepare a cake of dried figs
- ½ kilo of flour.
- ¼ liter of water.
A small spoonful of yeast
- Two tablespoons of ground sugar.
- 125 cl of olive oil.
- 500 g of dried figs.
- Make a dough with the flour and the water in which the yeast has dissolved, stirring until it forms a suitable paste to knead it.
- Crush the dough and make a round and thin cake.
- Add a small quantity of oil and flour, stirring until a paste forms on top of the cake.
- Spread the paste on the cake and place the cut figs in the center of it, forming a circle of several layers of crushed fig pieces.
- Fold the ends of the cake to the center, covering the figs.
- Leave to stand until you are about to put it in the oven. (It is known when the dough has swollen and is spongy to the touch).
- Once the pasta is ready, spread it with oil and sprinkle it with ground sugar. Put in the oven at 180 ºC for half an hour, checking from time to time that it does not burn.
How to serve it:
- Once baked, place it on a flat platter, cut into small pieces and serve cold. It combines very well with a little muscat wine.
More information on figs
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.