Meadowsweet cultivation


It blooms in May-August, offering creamy white flowers on tops, with very prominent stamens and 5 petals.

Meadowsweet watering

– Abundant watering.

– Remember that it is a riparian plant, native of wet, marshy places and rivers banks.

– It is drought resistant.

Where to place meadowsweet

– Place it in the sun or semi-shade in cool places.

– Ideal for wet corners, edges of ponds.

Filipendula ulmaria

Photo of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)

Propagation of meadowsweet

– Propagate by seed or by division in spring or summer.

– Some authors recommend sowing the seed in autumn in cold frame.

– The optimum germination temperature is 10-13 ° C.

– Keep protected from cold the first winter.

Suitable soil for meadowsweet

– Clayey soil rich in humus to retain moisture.

– Provide it with a good drainage.

– It does not tolerate acidic soils

Otras species of “Filipendula”

Filipendula kamtschatica (Giant Meadowsweet)

Filipendula multijuga (with pink flowers)

Filipendula palmata (Siberian Meadowsweet)

Filipendula purpurea (Japanese Meadowsweet)

Filipendula rubra (Queen of the prairie)

Filipendula vestita (Himalayan Meadowsweet)

Filipendula vulgaris (dropwort, fern-leaf dropwort)

punto rojo More information on meadowsweet.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

29 November, 2021

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