Oats for diabetes

Benefits of oats for diabetes


Why is oat good if I have diabetes?

tablespoon of oat bran

Photo of a tablespoon of oat bran. Bran is more advisable for people with diabetes than flakes, because it contains more fiber.

Oat (Avena sativa) is a very healthy cereal for diabetes. This is one of the more balanced grains in its composition, as it provides nutrients in quality and quantity.

For its nutritional value, oatmeal is rich in complex carbohydrates which are gradually absorbed, that is to say, no peaks or surges of uncontrolled sugar in blood occur.

The richness of this cereal in fiber (10%) also count to control glucose levels, which in turn helps reduce cholesterol and prevents constipation.

  • Oats are also one of cereals with more fat (7%), such as omega 6 and omega 3, which improve heart health
  • Oatmeal is higher in protein than wheat or rice, thus preventing fatigue and muscle fatigue often experienced by people with diabetes.
  • Scientific studies show that organic oats contain more protein and omega 3 than non-organic oats.

Oat components that help control diabetes:

  • Betaglucan: So it is called the soluble fiber found in oats, both flakes and bran. Many cereals are rich in insoluble fiber (type of wheat bran), but oatmeal is the only one with betaglucan type of soluble fiber.

Scientific studies have shown that regular consumption of oat fiber (oat bran) helps successfully to control sugar levels in the blood of people with diabetes. In some cases it can decrease the amount of insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Oats, consumed regularly, helps prevent adultonset of diabetes, since it helps regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates. It is recommended, especially if there is a family history of obesity or diabetes, to accustom the family, from children, to take oats regularly.

This food is low in sodium, so it is suitable when there is hypertension.

For type 1 diabetes, oats have a high glycemic index in appropriate portions, it is a carbohydrate intake of excellent quality.

How oats is taken for diabetes: Does it contain carbohydrates?

Photo of oatmeal cookies

Photo of oatmeal cookies. They are very rich in carbohydrates, besides sugar, flour and other products rich in carbohydrates, which are not recommended in diabetes.

There are several presentations that oats can be found in the supermarket or shop, and each may have different composition:

  • Oats as cooked cereal (cooked like rice): Soak overnight with water in the fridge, and boil the next day. It is taken in the same quantities as rice or other grains.
  • Oatmeal: It is consumed previously soaked or wet foods (milk, yogurt, etc.). It requires chewing, so it provides satiety. Suitable for breakfast in diabetes and obesity. Being a dry food, it contains more carbohydrates than cooked cereal. Its contribution of carbohydrates is similar to breakfast cereals withouth corn sugar (though its nutritional value is different).
  • Oat bran: This is crushed oatmeal with part of the outer husk of the grain (fiberrich). It should not be confused with wheat bran: Compared with wheat bran, oat bran contains more carbohydrates.
  • Cookies, breads, etc. Oats:They are not generally recommended for people with diabetes because these products contain many carbohydrates and added sugar, flour, and even other foods rich in carbohydrates such as raisins, chocolate, syrups, honey, etc.

Oat nutritional information for people with diabetes

Oatmeal provides carbohydrates, nutrients that should be monitored in people with diabetes because they influence in the control of blood sugar and insulin dose.

Oat ration for diabetics based on its content in carbohydrates

  • Ration of oats for diabetics: 15 g. oatmeal (one tablespoon approx.) equals 1 serving of carbohydrate (9 g. of carbohydrates)
  • Ration oat bran for diabetics: 15 g. oat bran (a tablespoon approx.) equals half a serving of carbohydrates (6.5 g. carbohydrate)

yogurt with oats for its protein content, calcium, probiotics and fiber is recommended.

Nutritional composition of oats


Calories (Kcal.)


Fats (g.)


Carbohydrates (g.)


Proteins (g.)


Fiber (g.)


Potassium (mg)


Sodium (mg.)


Phosphorus (mg.)


Magnessium (mg.)


Calcium (mg.)


Iron (mg.)


Vitamin C (mg.)


Vitamin E (mg.)


Vitamin A (UI)


Vitamin B1 (mg.)


Vitamin B2 (mg.)


Niacin (B3) (mg.)


Ácido fólico (mg.)


punto rojoMore information on oats.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

20 October, 2021

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