Basil cultivation

How to grow basil

Characteristics of Ocimum basilicum


Annual herb up to 1 m. Erect stems, round below, squared above.

Ovate or lanceolate leaves, opposite till 5 cm long, long petiolated, darker above.

Very odorous flowers grouped in spikes, loose verticils with 6 flowers each. Calyx with 6 lobes, edge-ciliated. White or pink corolla, stamens white. Upper lip with 4 lobes, lower one undivided.

It flowers from spring to summer

Keep humidity constant. Place the pot on a container with water.
Use indoor. Sow your seeds when frost are over. It needs a warm climate.
Place in full sun
Propagate from seeds in Spring.
Garden compost, with a pH about 6, well drained. Use liquid fertilizer.
Medicinal plant. See more information in the listing below

punto rojo More information about plants.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 January, 2022

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