Hen eggs properties
What is an egg?
Eggs are a very common food in our diet. Rich in proteins, they have a high biological value, therefore, they are used as a standard compared to other types of proteins, whether from plant or animal origin.
Parts of an egg
An egg has an oval structure, formed by a protective shell that contains within it the yolk, which is the food source of the embryo and the egg white, that will provide protection and additional food to it until growing.
Different types of eggs
When it comes to eggs, we refer to those from hens, as they are the most commonly eaten.
If they have a different origin, we must specify the particular type of animal, such as ostrich egg, duck egg, crocodile egg, etc..
The eggs intended for human consumption are not fertilized nor will ever.
Each part of the egg has a different physical and chemical properties and multiple culinary applications.
Eggs origins
Although consumption of eggs is known earlier in parts of Southeast Asia and parts of East and India since 3000 BC, they were consumed occasionally by direct collection in nature.
Classes of eggs

Besides the various types of eggs, according to the animal they come from, we need to be aware that, depending on its size and weight, we also are several types, such as small, medium, large or XL,… (More information)
Beneficial effects of eggs
Photo of salad of hard eggs
The benefits of egg consumption are extensive, but one of the most important is because of their protein content, with high nutritional value, economic and easy to digest.
It also contains substances like lutein which promote a correct vision or choline that promotes proper brain development. (More information about egg properties)
How do I preserve the eggs?
According to European law, an extra fresh egg has a maximum shelf life of nine days and it has not to exceed a month fresh. Expiration dates should always be implicit and visible on the package.
To ensure a proper maintenance of the eggs, they should not be washed unless we proceed immediately to their use or cooking, because,when we wash them, we remove the protective film on the skin so that harmful pathogens for human health can enter through the skin pores . (How to preserve the eggs)
Do all people can eat eggs?
Eggs are suitable for all persons, except those who present allergy to this food. Moreover, in case of ingestion of eggs in people with high cholesterol, we must take into account a number of considerations. (More information)
Are eggs good for infants?
In the case of the use of eggs in infants, we must take special precautions because until a certain age this food is not appropriate. In addition, once they are prepared to digest them well, they must be entered properly.
More information on eggs.