What is a broom plant?
Characteristics of broom (Sarothamnus scoparius L. (Cytisis scoparius Link.)

Scientific noun: Sarothamnus scoparius L. (Cytisis scoparius Link.)
Family: Pea family -Leguminosae-
Habitat: Europe and Balkans.
Alkaloids: sarotamine(normally a 2%, till 3% in full bloom), escoparine, esparteine, isosparteine.
Active parts of brom plant
The whole plant.
Uses of Broom plant
The esparteine in the flowers has cardiac tonic properties (it has been been used as a cardiotonic to treat heart failure), also very effective in those cases specially related with water accumulation.
The escoparine in the flowers has been used to cure respiratory illnesses. It is being used extensively from the second half of the XIX Century.
High. A misuse of home preparations.
Diarrhea, vomit, hypotension difficult breath and death.
More information about medicinal plants.