How to prepare lemon balm tea

- Dried flowers and leaves of lemon balm
- Water
- Place a glass of water in a saucepan and put it over high heat until boiling.
- Meanwhile, put a spoonful of dried flowers in a cup or glass of water.
- When boiling, pour the boiling water over the flowers.
- Cover the cup or glass and left undisturbed for 15 minutes. This is done for the oils not to evaporate. They contain most of the benefits of balm.
- Strain and take sips. It can be sweetened with honey or sugar.
Infusions with lemon balm bags
Infusion is performed as dried flowers and leaves, except that water is poured over the bag which is hung from the thread inside the cup.
What are the main infusions of balm?
Melissa infusions have the following uses:
– Infusion of lemon balm to relax
– Infusion of lemon balm for digestion
– Infusion of lemon balm for insomnia
– Infusion of lemon balm for pain
– Infusion of lemon balm to increase sexual desire
– Infusion of lemon balm for asthma
More information on lemon balm.
This article was endorsed by Vicente Martínez Centelles - Founder of the web and director. Teacher of natural sciences, expert in plants, natural remedies and botanical photography.