Bellis sylvestris ( Southern daisy)

What is a southern daisy plant?

Characteristics of southern daisy (Bellis sylvestris)

Common English name: southern daisy, wood daisy, wild daisy

The English name comes from “day’s eye” (eye of the day), in reference to its beauty, as their flowers open during the day, and close when the sun goes down.

Scientific name: Bellis sylvestris Cirillo.

Family: Compositae

Origin: native plant of central and northern Europe.

Southern daisy botanical description

The wild daisy (Bellis sylvestris) is a perennial plan with herbaceous stems belonging to the plant family Compositae.

Like other species of daisy, it produces a wild rosette (basal leaves) and has a low height, 15cm.

Roots with rhizomes, cylindrical and creeping.

All basal leaves, alternate, spatulate and toothed, gradually attenuated into the petiole, with three nervousness. Each leaf has a size between 2 and 5cm. long, and bright green. Its size is greater than in Bellis annua.

It differs from Bellis perennis because the flowers heads and petals of its flowers are larger.

The inflorescence of this plant is the typical one of composite plants, that’s to say, a flower head. This type of inflorescence is composed of tens or hundreds of tiny flowers.

Floral head stands on a long peduncle or flower stalk, devoid of leaves. Flowers are included in a receptacle where formed by bracts.

The fruit is an achene

Actually, a Daisy is not a flower but an inflorescence. It belongs to the Compositae family, and as the name implies, it is composed of many tiny flowers, yellow, arranged in a flower head.

Daisy species

Gender Bellis spp. has other types of daisies, such as:

Annual daisy (Bellis annua): Annual daisy cycle.

Common daisy (Bellis perennis): small perennial daisy, remains evergreen. Common in central and northern Europe. Widespread in Asia Minor and naturalized in North America and New Zealand.

punto rojo More information about daisy.

Botanical classification
Vascular plants
Seed plants
Flower plants
FamilyAsteraceae o Compositae
SpeciesB. sylvestris
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

6 September, 2024

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