Medicinal plants for multiple sclerosis

Herbal treatment of multiple sclerosis

Fhytotherapy: Medicinal remedies for the treatment of  multiple sclerosis

Phytotherapy involves the use of a number of plants which can help to strengthen the regular treatments. Under the supervision of physician, plants can be used for the following purposes:

– Plants that improve blood circulation in the brain.

– Plants that help to reduce depressive symptoms.

– Plants for urinary problems

– Plants that protect the vision

– Plants for memory loss.

Among all the possible plants we could mention the following:

Ginkgo (Gingko biloba): This plant is one of the best remedies to increase blood circulation which promotes cell irrigation helping to improve their condition. At the same time, ginkgo is one of the best antioxidants so its use could prevent or ameliorate the negative impact that free radicals have on the neurons. It has also been found that this plant is one of the best remedies for the treatment of vision loss, the impotence or other symptoms associated with this disease such as dizziness, deficient speech, problems of memory, lack of concentration, vertigo, etc. (To administer between 60 and 240 daily mg of leaf extracts in 3 divided doses throughout the day)

Passion flower: (Passiflora Caeurulea) It could very be suitable for the treatment of depression symptoms that accompany this disease. The passion flower is extremely effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence. (Infusion of a pair of spoonfuls of the dry plant by half liter of water. Drink a couple of small cups a day)

Field marigold (Calendula arvensis) Marygold (Calendula officinalis) to invigorate the muscles and treat the problem of loss of muscle mass, compresses made with calendula essence can be used. (Pour 35 g of calendula flowers in one liter of alcohol at 45 degrees. Let it rest for 15 days and applied with a wet gauze on the area)

Thyme (thymus vulgaris) With the same purpose, we may use oil of thyme. (Apply a lotion on the painful area with oil of this plant)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) It has been used primarily to remedy motion sickness and may be also useful in the treatment of vertigo, especially for its ability to eliminate the feeling of nausea and prevent vomiting. Do not forget anti-inflammatory and stimulant properties of this plant, which could help reduce the inflammatory effects on myelin and help increase the vigor of these patients are often affected by constant fatigue. (Infusion of one teaspoon of dried plant per cup of water. Take one cup a day. You can eat fresh if you cut into very fine pieces)


Vitamins, minerals and other supplements for the treatment of the multiple sclerosis.

Supplements, taken under strict medical supervision, can help to reinforce the orthodox treatments. Among them we mention the following:

Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa) Aronia anthocyanins help diminish the symptoms of MS (Take an aronia supplement) Although aronia has proven beneficial for some autoimmune diseases, increasing immunity may negatively impact on such diseases. The dietary supplement of aronia regularly should be supervised by your specialist.

N-acetyl cysteine: The usual dose is 500 mg at meals every two days.

Cod liver oil: The usual dose is one tablespoon per day.

L-Phenylalanine: The usual dose is 7 mg per kilo of weight a couple of times a day.

– Supplements of vitamins and minerals: Vitamin B (B1, B12 and B5), vitamin C. Minerals (magnesium, selenium, manganese, zinc and chromium) The amount of each of these vitamins or minerals should be established by the specialist in the individual case.

punto rojoMore information on multiple sclerosis and its natural treatment.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 August, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.