Characteristics of apple tree

What is an apple tree?

Characteristics of Malus domestica

Common noun: Apple tree

Scientific noun: Malus pumila Mill.

– Synonyms: Malus domestica Borkh.= Malus communis Poir.

apple tree
Apple tree with fruits

Family: Rose family – Rosaceae

Habitat: Native from Middle East, formed by hybridization of wild species. It can be found in many places of the world and sometimes naturalized.

Description of apple tree

Deciduous tree of the Rose family – Rosaceae – up to 15 m.

Grayish trunk and pubescent young branches.

Leaves ovate – elliptic, dentate, white velvety below till 15 cm long. White or pink flowers till 5 cm.

The fruit (apple) is a pome, more than 5 cm wide, very variable in color according to the varieties.

Picking- up and storing apple trees

Flowers should be harvested when they begin to bloom and mature. They should be dried in the shade and kept in a well- closed container. apples should be stored in a dry and shady place.

Active components of apple tree

A detail of the fruits and the leaves

The main components are:

  • Pectine: It operates like a soluble fiber, aiding in the dissolution of the cholesterol and being a good weapon against the diabetes.
  • Amino acids: Cysteine(Component of body tissues. It eliminates toxins of the liver); glycine (natural antiacid and responsible for the immune system) arginine (Very necessary for the muscular growth and tissue repairing; responsible, together with the glycine of the immune system), histidine(vasodilator and stimulator of the gastric juice. It fights the anemia, arthritis and is very useful for the ulcers), Isoleucine(Necessary for a suitable growth and the balance of nitrogen), Lysine (It takes part in the production of antibodies, the construction of weaves and the absorption of calcium), Serine (it aids to fortify the immune system) Valine(It favours the infantile growth and it takes part in the balance of nitrogen), methionine (necessary for the production of the cysteine, it aids to fight the cholesterol) Glutaminic acid (antiulcerous, tonic, it increases the mental capacity)
  • Acids: linoleic (Vitamin F) malic, oleic, palmitic and caffeic
  • Sugars: fructose, glucose and sucrose.
  • Sorbitol: A good aid in the internal problems
  • Fiber
  • Calcium, iron, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium

punto rojo More information on apple

This article was endorsed by Montserrat Enrich - Journalist specializing in edible wild plants and plant uses.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

30 August, 2024

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