Food for tired legs
What foods are best to relax your legs?
The right diet for the treatment of tired legs should choose those foods that are suitable to improve circulation and decrease or avoid those foods that are harmful.

Among the most important foods we have the following:
- Foods that favor diuresis: In other words, those foods that decrease fluid retention and favor their expulsion through the urine. They are foods that contain a lot of water and other foods rich in minerals, such as foods rich in potassium. Among them the main ones are vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes and cereals.
- Foods that fluidize the blood: These are foods that make the blood less thick, thus facilitating circulation. Among them, plums, blackberries, currants, papayas, blueberries,
- «Healthy» vegetable fats: olive oil, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil or soybean oil
- Foods rich in fiber: Fiber prevents constipation, which is one of the causes that causes poor circulation in the legs.
- Foods rich in water and mineral water. Along with these foods it is important to include an abundant consumption of liquids such as water (better low mineralization water), and foods that contain a lot of water such as vegetable juices, infusions, vegetable broths, etc.
What foods are not suitable for tired legs?
In the diet for tired legs, the following types of foods should be avoided or decreased:

- Low fiber foods, especially refined foods rich in sugars (chocolate, buns, candies, sweets, soft drinks, ice cream, industrial juices, etc.)
- Food with a lot of salt. Excess sodium favors the accumulation of fluids in the body, produces hypertension and poor circulation.
- Foods with saturated fats. Saturated fats produce cholesterol, narrow and harden the blood vessels and favor the appearance of thrombi that prevent blood from flowing well into the blood vessels.
More information on tired legs
This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.