Properties of cherry plum (Prunus cerasifera)

Food properties of cherry plum

Are the fruits of cherry plum edible?

cherry plum fruits
Photo of cherry plum fruits

The fruits of this plum tree can be eaten just like the fruits of the European plum. Its nutritional properties are practically the same in both trees.

The difference is mainly in the flavor, since the Pissard’s cherry plum is more acidic than the European plum. It is also much smaller so it is generally not used too much to eat fresh.

Acidic soups are made with the immature fruits. The ripe fruits can be eaten fresh or can be used to make jellies and jams. The pulp of the fruit is valid for making beverages (alcoholic or non-alcoholic or juices).

What nutritional benefits do cherry plums have?

Among the main benefits we have the following:

cherry plum tree
Cherry plum tree

Antioxidant properties: Provided by its richness in vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin B. Yellow plums are especially rich in beta-carotene, very suitable for the preservation of the skin and the proper functioning of vision. Cherry plums and, especially the varieties of cherry plum trees with red or dark red leaves (Prunus cerasifera “Pissardii”), contain many anthocyanins, antioxidants with outstanding medicinal properties, which protect us from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. (The jam made from the small Pissard’s cherry plum is especially suitable in this respect.

Constipation: the richness in fiber of these plums is very suitable to prevent constipation. The slightly laxative effects of sorbitol also contribute in this regard.

Increase defenses: Due to its high content of vitamin B, Pissard’s cherry plums help us keep our defenses in good condition and prevent the appearance of infectious diseases. Its vitamin C and beta carotenes also contribute to this function.

Nerve health: Given its vitamin B content, cherry plums will help us keep our nervous system in good condition. They will promote concentration and mental activity.

Do you sell cherry plums anywhere?

This type of fruit is not sold in food stores, greengrocers or shopping centers, so we should look for it from private producers.

Other uses of cherry plum

  • The leaves of this tree can be used to make a green colouring.
  • You can get another dark gray dye with the fruits of this plant.
  • Work is being done on the possibility of extracting natural food pigments with the skin of the fruits of the red variants.

Cherry plum toxicity

Are Prunus cerasifera plums toxic?

Cherry plums are not toxic, although many people are unaware that they are edible and do not dare to eat them.

  • Attention !: The toxicity of this tree is focused on the seed, the leaves and the bark of this tree

Prunus cerasifera, like many trees of the Rosaceae family, possesses the glycoside amygdalin which, in contact with saliva, turns into hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous. For this reason, the seed enclosed in the stone of this fruit is bitter to the taste, like bitter almonds. To a lesser extent, its leaves and branches are also toxic, as they contain this principle.

Ingestion of Pissard’s cherry seeds produces effects similar to ingestion of bitter almonds. (See more information)

punto rojo More information on plums

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

3 September, 2024

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