What is an onion plant?
Characteristics of onions (Allium cepa)

Scientific noun: Allium cepa L.
Family. Lily family – Liliaceae.
Habitat: Probably native from the South-west of Asia, although cultivated since the antique Egyptian people in warm climates, rarely naturalized.
Description of onion
Biennial plant of the lily family – Liliaceae – up to 70 cm.
Demi-cylindric leaves, growing from a subterranean bulb which carries shallow roots.
Erect stem, generally springing in the second year of the plant’s development, holding an umbel of white or pink flowers at the top of it.
Main active components of onion plant
- Amino-acids: glutamic acid , arginine, lysine, glycine, etc.
- Minerals: Mainly: Potassium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, sodium, sulphur and, in less quantity, iron, manganese, zinc, copper and selenium.
- Vitamins: vitamin C, Folic acid, Vitamin E
- Essential oil with many sulphurous components: dipropyl disulfide… methyl methanethiosulfinate, etc.
- Quercetin
- Allicin, in less quantity than in garlic.
More information on onions
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.