– Sleepiness: the essential oil of celery contains sedative principles. Moderate consumption may cause drowsiness to people who eat them.
– Increased diuresis: celery is a diuretic remedy and may increase urination. Its diuretic principles are: apiol, apigenin, mirysticin and flavonoids. Strong diuresis may produce hypotension or mineral loss. (potassium, magnesium and calcium)
– Dermatitis: celery is rich in essential oils that may cause skin irritation.
– Photosensitivity: sun exposure can cause skin damage if we previously handled or ate celery.
– Bleeding: Celery contains natural anticoagulants (furanocoumarins) that can enhance the effect of other anticoagulant medicins or plants. Do not combine it with anticoagulant plants or medicines.
– Allergies: People with allergies to some plant may have allergic reactions to celery.
More information about celery.