Lettuce recipes

How to prepare lettuce recipes


Some lettuce recipes:


In the photo: tropical salad of acai with, lettuce mango, goji berries, chia seeds and palm hearts.

Sandwich with nori seaweed and lettuce recipe


– 2 slices of tin loaf

– Tofunesa sauce.

– Lettuce

Chickpea croquettes with seaweed or ham

– Nori seaweed flakes or shredded seaweed


– Spread tofunesa on the bread.

– Place the toasted nori cut into strips or flakes

– Place the lettuce

– Fill with chickpea croquette, with seaweed or ham

– Serve with salad or parsnip chips sprinkled with pepper


Original sandwich suitable for vegetarians and people allergic to eggs.

It is also ideal for children as part of a balanced diet.

red dot More information on lettuce.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 August, 2024

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