Functions of phosphorus
The main organic functions of phosphorus are the following:
– Formation of the bones and the teeth: Phosphorus along with calcium takes part in the formation of bones and teeth. There is approximately twice the calcium than phosphorus is bone tissue.
– Formation of phospholipids in combination with fats: Phospholipids are, along with cholesterol and glycolipids, the main components of membranes of the cells.
– Transformation of foods in energy.
– Participation in metabolic functions of the nervous system and the brain.
– Formation of the ATP (Adenosine triphosphate): A type of energy, stored in muscles.
– Involved in the formation of many enzymes.
– It takes part in the balance of the pH of the blood.
Symptoms of the phosphorus deficiency
Phosphorus deficiency is a fairly rare phenomenon that manifests itself in the possible ways:
– Pain.
– Corporal Weakness, fatigue
– Weak Bones and teeth.
– Little joint flexibility.
– Lack of appetite
– Low resistance to infections.
Daily phosphorus needs
Phosphorus ADR is estimated at about 700 mg daily. In practice, most people take more. Is assumed that most people in rich countries eat between 1000 and 1500 mg daily.
An excess of phosphorus can diminish the absorption of calcium, which can cause problems in the bones. The ingestion of aluminum, like that shown in antacids, reduces the absorption of phosphorus.
More information on phosphorus