Safflower oil to lose weight

Is safflower oil useful for weight loss diets?

Is safflower oil good to fight obesity?

Safflower photo

Safflower oil, obtained from the safflower plant, is commonly known for its content of linoleic acid (omega 6) in conjugated form, referred to as CLA, which is a derivative of linoleic acid.

This fatty acid is attributed with slimming properties suitable for obesity. It is said that it decreases cellulite and body fat deposits and even increases muscle mass, among many other attributions.

Actually, currently, most of these studies have only been conducted with animals and very few of them with humans, and of the latter, there are very few that have also provided conclusive results on their benefits at the levels mentioned.

What relationship does CLA have with fats?

One of the actions that, if proven, is to interfere with fat metabolism. This does not mean that it decreases or not its absorption, but really its main action is to help the degradation and subsequent digestion of fats in the intestines.

This type of fat helps digest food fat better although it is not proven to help you lose weight.

Therefore, and until there is no reliable scientific evidence, despite being a highly recommended product for the treatment of obesity, such actions should not be attributed in our body in an unconditional manner.

Much less, without taking into account that dosages can have some positive or perhaps negative effect on our body.

punto rojo More information on safflower and safflower oil

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 February, 2024

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