Safflower oil properties

Safflower oil benefits

Safflower oil for cholesterol

Safflower oil
Safflower oil to be used for cooking

Due to its low concentration of saturated fatty acids, it is highly recommended in cases where such fats should be restricted, such as overweight or obesity or an increase in triglycerides or LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Safflower oil for circulation

If we consider that safflower oil contains a high percentage of linoleic acid (omega 6), we will see that it protects us against coronary heart disease, or atherosclerosis.

Safflower oil for prostate and inflammatory diseases

Also indicated against prostate hypertrophy and rheumatic and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

Safflower oil against free radicals

In addition, due to its high content of vitamin E, it is an oil with a high antioxidant capacity and with a positive and preventive effect against the action of free radicals, which can harm our body.

Safflower oil for skin health

Obviously, as an intrinsic property being an oil, it has a moisturizing action of mucous membranes and skin, giving a repair and soothing action of it.

Its use is very suitable in case of suffering for example problems of excessive desiccation or desquamation, eczema, dermatitis or atopic skin in general.

With safflower oil, you can make all kinds of soaps, shampoos, etc.

Other uses of safflower oil

With all this, we can conclude that it is a highly recommended and healthy oil.

Disadvantages of safflower oil

  • This type of oil, being mostly polyunsaturated, should be preserved so that it is not in direct contact with the air, since it is very easy to become spoilt.
  • It should only be consumed in its refined form and does not withstand high cooking temperatures. We must bear in mind that the application of temperature always implies the loss of some more susceptible and / or volatile substances, such as vitamin E, and that, therefore, we will be provided  with more benefits whenever we eat this oil in crude

punto rojo More information on safflower and safflower oil

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

24 February, 2021

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