Benefits of brownie without gluten
Properties of Brownie without eggs and without gluten
This recipe for homemade brownie is prepared with no eggs, flour and sugar. It is a preparation for a “raw” diet, so, it does not need cooking.
It is a dessert elaborated with only natural ingredients, rich in fiber, without flour or refined sugar. Ideal for people with allergies to milk, egg or gluten.
The brownie is made with a base of green bananas, dates and a little coconut milk, which will serve to make the dough. Then we add walnuts and cocoa powder (you could also use carob flour)
Overall it is a recipe with sugar (which would provide dates), but unlike other cakes, it contains much more fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamins.
Serving suggestion, brownie with cocoa and walnuts
Ingredients for a raw chocolate brownie
- 1 large green banana
- 1 cup pitted dates (6-8 units). Raisins can also be used.
- Cocoa powder, about 1 cup
- 200ml coconut milk
- Whole or chopped walnuts, peeled
Preparing homemade brownie
Prepare the dough:
- Put the dates soaked with water.
- Boil the banana: Cut the ends of a green banana and split it in half. You can boil it completely peeled or with the same skin (Make a cross-section,and, when the skin opens, it is already cooked). The green banana is cooked in boiling water in about 10 minutes, or when passing a knife, the tip of it passes through completely.
Picture of how mass is formed, beating coconut milk and green banana
- Drain and mash some banana with a little coconut milk, to be added gradually. Banana is very effective and thickens very much, so it may not be necessary to use it all to make the dough.
- In another bowl, mash the dates with a little coconut milk until a smooth, brownish and very sweet dough is formed (we use the dates in place of sugar).
- Put the two masses together, the banana with dates. Add slowly and stir. It can also be crushed all at once, but this can be a bit more difficult because of the hardness of dates.
- Add cocoa powder (about 4 tablespoons, to taste) and shelled walnuts. The dough should not be too liquid
The dough is placed in a container with greaseproof paper underneath to make it easy unmolding
- The dough is placed in a container with greaseproof paper underneath to make it easy unmolding
- Keep in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. As the mass to cool, solidifying as it will partially absorb the liquid fiber.
- It is recommended to serve with chocolate sprinkled on the surface.
Serving suggestion for brownie
- Another option is the same recipe, cut into cubes, add grated coconut and make cupcakes as shown in the photo:
Another brownie serving suggestion
More information on coconut.