Oriental style tofu skewers

How to make Oriental style tofu skewers


– ½ block tofu

– ½ block of smoked tofu

– 50g turmeric powder

olive oil


Black pepper

Soy sauce


Sticks to prepare the skewers


– Cut two types of tofu in large squares.

– Put the dice white tofu cut into a covered container with plenty of black pepper, soy sauce and oil.

– Let stand 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

– Flour smoked tofu blocks with turmeric powder.

– Prepare the skewers with two kinds of tofu, alternating.

– Bake in a pan on the grill with olive oil. Flip to browned on all sides. During the last 2 minutes of cooking, add a little soy sauce.

– Serve with green salad, tomato salad, couscous or other accompaniment.

Properties of skewers

Delicious way to take our daily vegetable protein. Alternative to vegetarian and seitan burgers, as a suggestion to vary the presentation of our sources of protein.

Tofu is a healthy derived from soybeans rich in vegetable protein, fiber and carbohydrates. Turmeric has many antioxidants and digestive properties.

In addition, recent studies show that turmeric may have antidepressant effects, so nothing will prevent us from enjoying this recipe!

– If we want to ingest the least calories, we can cook the skewers in the oven.

When to serve it?

– Serve as a main dish.

*See more: Tofu bites with soy sauce recipe

punto rojo More information about turmeric recipes and properties.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

4 August, 2024

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