Breakfast vegetarian menus

Best menus to choose for breakfast

Recommended protein food with little calories for breakfast


Oats porridge with strawberries and an apple

zumo de naranja

Orange juice

sandwich, fruit and infusion

Sandwich, fruit and an infusion

desayuno sin cereal

Yogurt, walnuts and bananas


Oats porridge

desayuno fruta con yogur

Yogurt and fruits

Bread, cheese and fruit

Bread, cheese and fruit

manzanas horno

Baked apple

Desayuno completo

Milk, sandwich and an orange

Cheese toast and apple

Cheese toast and an apple

Egg sandwich, yogurt and fruit

Egg sandwich, yogurt and fruit

Vegetarian sandwich and carrot juice

Vegetarian sandwich and carrot juice

oats cookies

Oats cookies

Cheese toasts and a banana

Cheese toasts and a banana

Skimmed yogurt, oats and banana

Skimmed yogurt, oats and a banana

Milk with cereals and fruit

Milk with cereals and fruit

millk with cookies and cinnamon

Milk with cookies and an apple

millk with cookiCheese with cookies and tomatoe slices

Cheese with cookies and tomato slices

Fried egg with bread and tomato

Fried egg with bread and juice

Yogurt with cereals and fruit

Yogurt with cereals and fruit

Fiber cereals with milk and kiwi

Fiber cereals with milk and a kiwi

* Related information:

Fruit for breakfast

Carbohydrates for breakfast

Proteins for breakfast

How must a breakfast be to be healthy

nutrients characteristics

Characteristics of nutrients

punto rojo More information on nutrition.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

27 June, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.