Bad food for Crohn’s disease

Non recommended food for Crohn’s disease


Some non-recommended products in Crohn's disease dietSome non-recommended products in Crohn’s disease diet

Foods that should not be eaten with Crohn’s disease:

Legumes with Crohn’s disease

Legumes contain too high amounts of insoluble fiber, reason why they will normally produce adverse reactions, especially during the attacks.

  • Foods like peas, chickpeas or beans will have to be eaten with extreme prudence and always after having tested their tolerance in each patient. All them must be well-cooked.
  • Soy, as well as its derivatives, can cause intolerances and should be tested in small doses.

Greasy meats with Crohn’s disease

They produce inflammation and mucus in the intestine of these patients. Meats that contain fats like duck, pig, or lamb meat, will have to be avoided. Also bacon, sausages, mortadella, salami, etc.

  • Lean beef or skinless chicken can be eaten roasted, but they are inadequate when fried. These meats are adequate to supply the deficiency of vitamin B12.
  • Individual tolerance to ham should be tested, both cured and regular ham.

Spirits with Crohn’s disease

chocolate toffeeChocolate and other stimulants, such as coffee, must be rejected in Crohn’s disease diet

Spirits and other stimulating drinks like coffee or cacao should be avoided.

  • Red wine or beer are sometimes tolerated and individual tolerance to these beverages should be tested.
  • Besides water, patients can drink apple juice.

Condiments or spices with Crohn’s disease

Hot spices should be avoided (chilli, paprika, etc), but other spices can be used, like sweet bay, thyme, salt or parsley.

Can you take sweets with Crohn’s disease?

Sweets products rich in whole milk derivatives (pasta with cream, ice cream, high-fat sweets, cakes, pastries, etc.) should Not be included in the diet of these patients.

  • You can use sugar or honey to sweeten food.

Is bran adequate with Crohn’s disease?

Bran is not good because it worsens the symptoms of this disease.

Tips for the attacks

During attacks of Crohn’s disease the presence of strong stomach pains, with colic and diarrhea, makes it very difficult to eat properly. It is important at this stage, to consider the following tips:

  • Drink plenty of water: In order to avoid dehydration a minimum of 2 liters of water should be drunk daily.
  • Eat light foods: During these attacks it is important to eat light foods in small amounts. Among the most suitable ones, we can mention boiled carrots and apples.
  • Eat low-fat and low-fiber food

* Go on reading: Recommended food for Crohn’s disease

More information on Crohn’s disease.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

20 March, 2022

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.