Vegetable salad with much vitamin C

Recipe and properties of a vegetable salad rich in vitamin C

What salad can contain much vitamin C?

In general, all salads are rich in vitamin C. This vitamin is an antioxidant and is found in fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw, as it is destroyed by heat (during cooking, for example).

The usual foods in the kitchen richest in vitamin C are: peppers, cruciferous vegetables (radishes, cabbage, arugula, broccoli, etc.) and citrus fruits (orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit, etc.)

Vitamin C only remains 5 hours in the body, so to maintain its effects, it is recommended to take a food rich in vitamin C at each meal of the day. For this reason it is important that we always accompany our meals with fruit or recipes like this one of salads, that provide us with vitamin C.

Dressing with lemon juice is a way to add vitamin C to our diet.

What is a salad rich in vitamin C good for?

This salad combines three foods very rich in vitamin C: the radishes, the pepper and the lemon juice. This vitamin brings many benefits to the body. Among its properties, it has been shown to be effective for:

  • For the care of the skin, eyes, arthritis and joints: Helps to form collagen, a protein that makes up the majority of body tissues.
  • Smoking: Helps fight free radicals of snuff.
  • Depression: Helps to form neurotransmitters such as serotonin.

Who is this salad specially recommended for?

It is also recommended to people with anemia, because vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from food, and lupins provide nutritional value to the salad. (More information).

This recipe is very suitable for people with special needs of vitamin C: for osteoporosis, heart disease, hypertension, cholesterol, during chemotherapy or cancer treatment.

In short, this recipe is recommended in any balanced diet, slimming diets, diets to get fat, low-carb diets, diets for menopause, diet for anemia, etc.


Salad containing much vitamin C

Presentation of the recipe.

Ingredients for a salad rich in vitamin C:

  • A bunch of radishes
  • Half red pepper
  • Some leaves of lettuce
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Olive oil
  • A pinch of sea salt

Preparation of this recipe

  • Wash the lettuce leaves and drain well.
  • Cut the lettuce leaves for the salad.
  • Wash the radishes and cut them into slices.
  • Clean the pepper and cut into strips.
  • In a serving dish, place the sliced ​​radishes underneath.
  • Around we can place the pepper so that it looks like a flower (see photo).
  • Place the lettuce leaves on top and some radish or piece of carrot to decorate.
  • Spray with lemon juice to add more vitamin C
  • Dress with olive oil and a little salt.
  • Serve as an entree or accompaniment.

How to serve a salad rich in vitamin C

Serve as an entree or accompaniment

punto rojo More information on vitamins.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

14 March, 2024

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